Friday 24 May 2013

Sensory dinosaur garden

I have wanted to make up one of these sensory boxes for ages so got some plastic toys, leaves, sticks, marbles,  glass beads and pom poms from around the house and garden.

We put them all in a wooden tray and I let the kids go. Most of it didn't stay in the box for long.  The kids loved the marbles, beads and sticks. I ended up getting another container as they both mixed the beads around with sticks. 

Mat was chatting alot saying things like "I'm mixing the porridge" and "the animals are hungry. Even though nothing stayed in the box it kept them entertained for quite awhile, which is great for my energetic two!! What are you up to this windy and wet Friday afternoon??

Thursday 23 May 2013

Teaching my first little kids art class

Today I had a couple of friends over for my first little kids art class. The kids ranged in age from 1.5- 4 years. They made fairy castles or "man castles", didn't want to leave poor Jam out!! He was out voted by 5 other girls and 3 mummies. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves as they glued, sprinkled glitter and made a tonne of noise    (tears were involved).

The Mums wanted to come again so it must of been ok!! Yay!!

Monday 20 May 2013

More stickers plus feathers

I was cutting out a tonne of cardboard for school while the kids played with their toys and the cardboard cut off cuts.

I cut out a big butterfly for them to collage. They're both really into stickers so I grabbed a few sheets and let them go for it. I poured some pva on for the feathers but had shown Mat how to attach feathers with the foam shapes. She decided to do it this way with a few assertive statements "I do it Mummy".

We finished it off with paper bits this morning which Jam loved and if course he sampled the pva....mmmmm tasty!! Then Mat wanted a little butterfly in her new sketch book we got in a lucky dip on the weekend. I love the face and the legs she drew on it.

The other photo is a cardboard sculpture that they weren't really ibto but I stuck it together anyway.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Making things is fun!

We checked out an art class at Bim Bam Boom at Graceville this morning.

On the way Mat was singing "making things is fun"!

The class is called Toddler's get messy. The kids and I had a great time. Jam loves to say "stomping stomping" as we painted on dinosaurs and with dinosaur toys.

After this we went to the library to borrow books and of course  there was more time for sticking! !

Monday 13 May 2013

Photo grids

I downloaded an app called photo grid and I love putting photos together with it. Here's a few I've made over the last couple of months. 

1. The kids gluing, construction and collage.

2. My own artwork of late, collage and paintings.

3. We LOVE pva glue and googly eyes, more than you could imagine!!

4. The art room at school where I work at the moment. 

5. Some of last weeks creating by the kids. 

I might use photo grids a bit to get lots of photos up quickly. Hopefully they look good.

Monday art

This morning at playgroup we made bookmarks from felt, stickers, buttons, feathers and other shapes. Thanks to one of the other Mums for providing the inspiration.

This afternoon the kids made a few things but I think they enjoyed sticking lots of stickers onto these people. My son loves stickers, he stuck them on top of each other and said "stickers" or "trains" the whole time. My daughter made her own train with round stickers by sticking them all in a row! I love the dragonflies in the feather!!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Mother's Day

The kids made these today for my Mum after I saw the idea on pinterest -

Very simple and effective, the kids loved it! What kid doesn't love paint??

This week

Usually requested by my daughter, collage is a favourite. My son now says "I sticking" when he is working away. I love that they love bits of paper and glue like I do. Haven't convinced Daddy how cool it all is yet!

Saturday 4 May 2013

Welcome to my first post!

Hi and welcome to I make things! I have wanted to start a blog for a long time now but never knew where to start. Well, here I am and I am excited to have finally gotten here! I want to use this blog to share "our"creative adventures.

For as long as I can remember I have always made art. I love collage, mixed media and anything to do with colour and paper. I have a 3 year old daughter and a 2 year old son who I have turned into little art monsters, they love to "make things"....painting, drawing, collage, sticking, you name it..... They are just like Mummy and a little obsessed with making!! I hope you enjoy the creativity we share. Below are some creations:)

 Painting with spray bottles

Glitter and glue are always favourites

 First this was a painting which became a collage

 We also love googly eyes in our house.