Friday 28 June 2013

Kids will pave the way

I haven't written on here in awhile as I took my photos off my phone, planning yo write posts from the computer. Ahh yeah still yet to do that! So thought I would just get back into it as we did some fun things today. We also did groceries and I tried to get 2 toddler's to bed when they refused to go..there were tears, yelling, bedrooms doors shut and in the end only 1 child sleeping. The joys!!

This morning we did an activity off Mr Maker with kitchen towel and food colouring. Very easy as you just fold the paper towel into a small triangle, dip it into the watered down food colouring then carefully peel it open to let it dry. We made a tonne of these.  Next time I would use red too as we had run out.

This afternoon we started making collage owls which lasted a few minutes before Jam was eating paper and Mat started just putting glue on whatever but never stuck it anywhere. A friend of mine has a great phrase when her kids start to lose it.....They're turning on us" and that they did! !!

Jam bought cars to the table, surprise surprise so I got scrap paper and stapled together a car track. He was very happy with this and didn't even try to destroy it. Of course Mat wanted one as well, so hers was made of left over triangles.  They then decorated the tracks with stickers,  textas and watercolour paint.  Being 2 and 3 this didn't last that long as play school came on but definately entertained them for awhile.  While I type they're still in tact.

I might add too that while these photos always look like fun, which they are,there is also a behind the scenes. It looks a little like this.....

1. We start to make something and all are interested.  I think "this is fun, I'm a good Mum".

2. We add extra things that we find or the kids ask for. Someone is singing 'making things is fun' or another random song.

3. I remind Jam not to eat things eg. Glue, paper, paint, whatever we've been using. 

4. There are tears and usually Mat is still engrossed in what we're doing!!

5.  One of the kids loses it eg. Everything gets ripped/scrunched up, all art materials end up on the floor, there is squealing and chaos.

6. Mat is asking to do more or make something different. Mummies lost it and Jam has probably run away from the table.

7. I'm thinking "why do I do this?" Or "look how much fun they had". Depends on how many tears and how loud the squeals were!!

8. Mummy cleans up, lucky me!!! The kids run off to destroy something else:)

I do art with the kids as they enjoy it,  it's my passion and looking back at what they make warms your heart and creates a positive experience. That doesn't nean though it is all fun and games without the tears!!! A very wholistic experience all in all, haha!!

Saturday 1 June 2013

This week!!

This week we've had a market stall, a 2nd birthday and lots of art as always!!
The kids enjoyed eating cake, pushing buttons into playdough and drawing on the magna doodle.

I taught another kids art class which was chaotic but the kids seemed to love it. I think I've decided to make the classes smaller so it is easier to manage the space, control my 2 and enjoy myself more. I'm my own worst critic though so hope the kids have had a good experience.

Today we went to my Mum's house and Mat spent about an hour painting, glueing and sticking stickers. If you take a look at the last photo grid, she painted lots and lots. I said to my Mum that she can sit fully engrossed in art for over an hour but is a cyclone any other time at home destroying anything in her path. Art is obviously her thing:) Just like Mummy I guess!